
Well Boys and Girls This is Your Local Hero Superhero With His 2CENT



You Can Be A SuperHero Folllower And Just Say NO 2 DRUGS

  The Superhero Sayz

SMUDGE: You PISS FLAP, this isn't over u may have won the battle, but rest for sure i will win the WAR!!!. You take shit on ur little pagecalling the superhero gay and a  fag and u with  ur little wankover pictures of me. Dam u sonic the hedgehog haired son of a bitch, stop being a fag pull ur dick out ur boyfriends ass, and take me on again and this time u gayass, stop fucking touching my nut sack and  ass.

RUSH: How much head did  u have 2 give 2 get that belt. Thats what every 1 is asking. P.S (NO JOHNBERG) u still suck, hahahaha i broke ur brothers back AHHHAHAAHAHAH EVIL oooooooo i mean GOOD.

HANGMAN: Welcome back u long haired son of a bitch i have missed kicking ur ass u know i GAVE smudge my I.R Title am going on  2  bigger and better things PEGGY.


Heroes Have To Stand For Something If They're Gonna Be Heroes, And Super Heroes Need To Stand For Even More

Rush Has No Gut's or Brains

Hahahahaha RUSH, Who the hell r u. Ur A No-Body. u have no friends people totaly hate u. UR SCUM. and the next time i get in the backyard with u, i will fucking kill u. U know its true, go tell ur numma the now (not that i want my boxers back) but 2 get ready  2 kiss and fuck u betta. coz when i get my hands on u, u fag u silly son of a bitch U will DIE. (and this is me being nice about the whole matter) this is past the backyard stage u fuck up this is personal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. BRING THE NOISE RUSH

Send Your Hero A E-mail


The Superhero Sayz


Whats up' haven't been here in along time wooo. I got a Few things i would like 2 say, my last match will b cuming very soon yes, THE END for the Super 1. people turning there back on the VIW and jumping 2 XBW. This is not cool it is gutt-less. We have rush. the guy is a human retard machine, so he knows no betta and then b-train wow what a lose. now i will have room 2 wrestle.

It Is the superheros Promise 2 all My little heros, 2 FUCK UP Rush and  beat my fellow VIW homie SMUDGE COZ HE LOVES THE COCK, b4 i  HANG up the knee Pads.


If You Say Your Prayers And Eat Your Vitamins You Could Grow Up 2 Be Just Like Me!!!!